


The operating room as an important driver for economic succsess

OR management has now become a crucial success factor for a successful hospital organization. More than 40% of hospital revenues are generated in German operating rooms. In addition, this area is the “heart” of every hospital due to the high level of staffing from many different professional groups and crucial interfaces in addition to the intensive care unit. It is therefore particularly important to organize efficient processes and develop an effective operating theater structure.

Our experience shows that the operating room in hospitals often does not receive the focus that is needed for a successful operation and a high level of staff satisfaction. High external personnel deployment, lack of operating room capacity, lack of transparency in process times, sufficient postoperative care capacities, high dissatisfaction among surgeons and operating room staff are just a few of the major strategic questions that we repeatedly encounter in practice.

With our OR management expert area, HGM will help you evaluate your “heart” with our experience and quickly create transparency about the maturity and efficiency level of your OR department. We specialize in two different situations:

Download the “OR Management” flyer as a PDF


Our quick help, the “OR-diagnosis”

We are happy to be your contact for all operational and strategic issues relating to surgical management. Our so-called “OR check” has proven particularly useful for this, in which we immerse ourselves operationally at the base level in your organization with an experienced OR manager in 2-3 days and then provide you with a detailed “OR diagnosis”. We identify all important areas of action and coordinate implementation results with you.


We’re happy to advise, but we’d prefer to implement it

We will provide you with an experienced OR interim manager who will take over the management of the OR management for you in order to achieve rapid and efficient improvements in the OR key figures.

It is important to us that we sustainably develop your organization in an advisory and implementing capacity. We are happy about short-term successes but are above all interested in the sustainable development of your departments together with your employees.

Our consulting areas include the following outlined topics in the operating room:

  • Setting up, interpreting and controlling a surgical performance indicator system/surgery controlling
  • Introduction of professional surgical management
  • Establishment and further development of OP statutes
  • Instrument and consumption management
  • Coaching of surgical managers, or those who want to become one
  • Construction planning and interfaces to the CSSD
  • Quality monitoring and assurance

The individual circumstances are always important to us, so that all problem solutions are developed and implemented specifically for the needs of your clinic.


Do you want personal advise?

Hans-Walter Russu

Expert for OR-management